Task Description

The Automatic Reference Tool is a web-based application that simplifies the process of creating references for books and articles. It is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and provides a user-friendly interface for inputting essential publication details such as author, title, publication year, and publisher.

The HTML structure includes a form with clearly labeled input fields for each required piece of information. After filling out the form and submitting it, the JavaScript code captures the input values, constructs a formatted reference string, and displays it to the user.

The CSS file styles the form and output area to improve usability and aesthetics. The layout is designed to be clean and responsive, making it visually appealing on various devices. The styled button encourages user interaction.

The JavaScript file contains an event listener that triggers when the form is submitted. It prevents the default form submission behavior, collects the input data, and dynamically generates the reference in APA format. The resulting reference is displayed in a designated output area within the webpage.

This tool is beneficial for students, researchers, and professionals who need to quickly and accurately generate references, ensuring consistency and saving time in their writing and research tasks.

Automatic Reference Tool